Use the guide to the left to find any individual's arms we have reproduced here, or browse at will. If you are not on this site and are/have been of the populace of the West at any time in the past or present, or have a better version of your armory, we'll be happy to post it. Contact the Web-Master - e-mail below.
The artwork here should be used as a guide only - if you're doing illumination or a major project for someone, please ask for their original artwork, or verify the emblazon displayed here is acceptable.
To view only the Kings and Queens of the West
This site is for Registered Armory of the West Kingdom populace. This site will not be tracking awards, titles or whether an individual is living or has passed.
While all the arms and names here are registered, they are not necessarily 'registerable' today. The refinement of the Rules of Submission and progress made over the last 4 decades in the way of heraldic knowledge is great, so some of the arms here would not be considered good style. Yet, some of the older ones are some of the best examples, so registration date isn't necessarily the best indication. Check with your local herald.
This is a very large work in progress. Please check back again soon!
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Artist credits
and contact information if they desired to share it. Any other questions, contact the Web-Master.
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This site is not sanctioned by, or an official instrument of the SCA, Inc., nor is it sanctioned by, or an official instrument of any sub-groups of the SCA and as such does not delineate policy or regulations for the above. |
Created On: Saturday, February 28, 2004
by Master Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov O.P.
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