Greetings and welcome to the West Kingdom
On-line Roll of Arms.

The Fourth SCA Kingdom Rolls to appear on the Internet.
...and the Largest.

Use the guide to the left to find any individual's arms we have reproduced here, or browse at will. If you are not on this site and are/have been of the populace of the West at any time in the past or present, or have a better version of your armory, we'll be happy to post it. If you've moved TO the West Kingdom with registered heraldry elsewhere, you can be added if you tell us. Contact the Web-Master - e-mail below.

Artists/Scribes Caveat

The artwork here should be used as a guide only - if you're doing illumination or a major project for someone, please ask for their original artwork, or verify with book heralds that the emblazon displayed here is acceptable.
We're trying to verify the work and get problems corrected, but there are numerous variations in interpretation that may be quite different than what the owner envisioned.

This site is for Registered Armory of the West Kingdom populace.
This site will not be tracking awards, titles or whether an individual is living or has passed.
Please visit the Kingdom Heraldry site or the Who's Who pages for details.

Caution for those Developing Heraldic Arms

While all the arms and names here are registered, they are not necessarily 'registerable' today. The refinement of the Rules of Submission and progress made over the last 4 decades in the way of heraldic knowledge is great, so some of the arms here would not be considered good style. Yet, some of the older ones are some of the best examples, so registration date isn't necessarily the best indication. Plus, legal names can be registered though they are not period names. Check with your local herald.

Arms displayed here are not a part of the Submissions Process.
Each must be either provided directly by the owner/artist or made up by myself so credit can be given,
as well as meeting display needs. I prefer .png files (but I can convert any file type)
at 6-8" tall at 96dpi or better resolution.
Send Comments, Artwork or Corrections to E-mail:
spam-free graphic e-mail address
I truly prefer people provide their preferred art so project made by others (illumination, royal gifts, etc) come out to their satisfaction.

This is a very large work in progress. Please check back again soon!

#of Arms on this site: 3,073

Artist credits

Below are the artists and how many arms reproductions are credited to each,
and contact information if they desired to share it. Any other questions, contact the Web-Master.
  • Amanda of Coldcastle:(10)

  • spam-free graphic e-mail address
  • Carrick MacBrian:(1)

  • Ermine Book:(3)

  • Evaine ni MacGreger:(32)

  • spam-free graphic e-mail address
  • Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov:(1,631)

  • spam-free graphic e-mail address
  • Kagami no Tomoko:(36)

  • spam-free graphic e-mail address
  • Morgan ap Siarl:(1)

  • Owen ap Morgan:(24)

  • Reyna Camlo:(5)

  • spam-free graphic e-mail address
  • Vigdis vestfirzka:(100)

  • spam-free graphic e-mail address
  • William Castille:(1098)

  • Arms Provided by Owner:(73)

  • Dual-efforts

  • Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov & Robert of Ynys Taltraeth:(14)

  • Nicholas Bawcock of Petersfield & Evaine ni MacGreger: (36)

  • Nicholas Bawcock of Petersfield & Vigdis vestfirzka: (13)

  • Nicholas Bawcock & Aja du Jardin: (26)

  • Quick facts of registrations on this site:

    Longest names so far:
    "Annora Marianna Francesca Moro di Castions di Zoppola"
    "Mikha'il al-Tayyib ibn Khalid ibn Ahmad al-Gharnatii"
    "Ibrahim ibn Da'ud al-Qal'at Fimi al-ma`rūf bi-Butrus"
    "Johann Heinrich Michael Siemon von Wernigerode"
    "Neassa inghean Ghiolla Chriost mhic Chathasaigh"
    "Gwenhwyfaer ferch Gwilym ap Morgana o Erryrys"

    Shortest Names so far:
    "Seitse", "La Rana"

    Most common given names in order (10 or more):
    William, Robert, David, Michael, Thomas, Anne, Richard, Eric, Edward, John, Morgan, Wilhelm, Catherine, Elizabeth, Katherine, Geoffrey
    (Not counting Homonyms)

    Starting letter by popularity:
    A, M, C, R, E, S, G, D, J, T, K, B,
    L, W, F, I, H, V, P, N, O, Y, U, Z, Q, X

    Number of people with one or more badges:
    382 (about 13%)

    Images created using many programs and clip-art sources. Some of William Castille's emblazons contain charges scanned from the PicDic with permission from Master Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme. The Pictorial Dictionary is available from the SCA Stock Clerk (Free Trumpet Press West).

    Mists, Cynagua and Oertha

    West Kingdom & Other Selected Links
    West Kingdom Web-Site
    Principalities: Mists | Cynagua | Oertha
    West Kingdom Heralds Web-page | West Kingdom Branch Heraldry
    Royalty of the West Kingdom | West Kingdom History Pages
    Royal Genealogy of the Known World (Down?)
    SCA Heraldry
    Khevron's Heraldry Page

    Khevron's Cafe' Press Shop - High resolution Officer Badges and more!

    Other on-line SCA Armorials and Rolls of Arms:
    Kingdom of Aethelmearc
    Kingdom of An Tir Roll of Arms
    Kingdom of Artemisia Roll of Arms
    Kingdom of Atenveldt Roll of Arms
    Kingdom of Caid Roll of Arms
    Kingdom of Calontir On-line Armorial (new location)
    Kingdom of Lochac Roll of Arms
    Kingdom of Northshield On-line Roll of Arms
    Principality of Oertha Armorial and Order of Precedence

    Kingdom of Outlands On-line Roll of Arms

    Groups of the Knowne World Roll of Arms

    Please visit:

    Khevron's Heraldrydiculous Comics

    This site is not sanctioned by, or an official instrument of the SCA, Inc., nor is it sanctioned by, or an official instrument of any sub-groups of the SCA and as such does not delineate policy or regulations for the above.
    This site exists to provide information and to promote the art of heraldry.

    Created On: Saturday, February 28, 2004
    by Baron Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov O.P.
    Send Comments, Artwork or Corrections to E-mail:
    spam-free graphic e-mail address

    West Kingdom Web-Site

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